Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thing #2 Response

In listening to the 7 and a half habits of effective life-long learners, I gained a new perspective on what makes a life-long learner to be successful.

Easiest Habit: Teach and mentor others.
The easiest habit for me to put in place is that of teaching and mentoring others. As a career, I teach and educate children and often times, I also involve my students' parents in the path of their chidren's education. I've been told many times that I am a natural teacher, so I think that this habit comes very naturally for me. I am also the mother of four, so I am always trying to set examples and to guide and mentor.

Most Difficult Habit: View every obstacle as a challenge
I must say that I don't find that my life has had many challenges. At least, I don't feel like things have been challenging for me. My parents always taught me to accept whatever life deals to you, and to go with it. Yes, we all have obstacles at one point or another, but how we face them, and what type of attitude we have is what makes us who we are.

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